MULLER KOCH CONTACT GRILL 2000 WATT. Up to 180 degree Foldable Barbecue grill 180 degree opening enables grilling on a large surface - Removable Grill Palates - Adjustable Temperature - Grease Drip Tray - ILAG Non-stick grill plates with extra deep grooves.
MULLER KOCH MK6025 شواية غريل كهربائية 2000 واط
Box Size: 40.4 x 40.2 x 20 cm Box Weight: 5075g
Weight: 3 KG
- Deal is valid immediately after purchase - Delivery of the products is available for an extra charge. -The Estimated Delivery time will be between 3 to 7 working days. - You can buy several deals. - Limited Quantity. - Items are only booked once payments are confirmed. - Paid Vouchers or Items Gift Cannot be exchanged with any other different Item. - No Refund. - This deal will end early if the quantity ends.